July 23, 2019

Since the inception of electronic gambling games, there have been some who set their sights on various slot machine cheats.

Casinos have become aware of tactics used by these people and increased security, preparing them for these would be criminals, They also turned to law enforcement to help them deal with them. Throughout the years there have been numerous laws passed which have aided casinos and made certain methods people have used to pull the wool over their eyes completely illegal. Offenders are prosecuted and have to serve a minimum jail time.

In the past it was significantly easier to perform acts of cheating as almost all games were mechanical and obviously had their shortfalls, however, these days most casinos have gone almost completely digital, this has made near impossible to for players to cheat anymore. This has certainly not stopped people from trying their luck though.

Here is a look at some of the most ridiculous cases from the past:

One of the most famous of these cases would have to be that of Ronald Dale Harris, who just happened to be a slot machine engineer. This meant that the infamous slot cheat had access to information the average player could never have got their hands on. All slots have source codes and by being privy to this knowledge he was able to cheat numerous casinos for who knows how many years. The only reason he was eventually caught was because of his partner. After having won $100,000 while playing a game of keno the duo were apprehended in the summer of 1998.

This next method of cheating is certainly not the easiest, as it would require a fare amount of skill to pull it off. Fake coins are not easily found, however if you have the time and resources you could’ve maybe attempted to make a few of your own. Don’t get too excited though as nowadays everything is digital so coins are not even used anymore. If only we were born in the eighties.

You can read more about these slot machine cheats and others at BBC Times